Catarina Guimarães Modern Mystic

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An Evening Immersion into feminine energy, including the ancestral Rite of the womb

Dive within yourself trough movement, breathing, meditation and relaxation.

And give yourself the gift of receiving the ancestral and shamanic healing blessing known as the Rite of the Womb.

One of the most simple and yet significant things I’ve experienced in the recent past.

The Rite of the Womb lifted many heavy emotions I had related to my feminine lineage. And it ignited a passionate fire within me that I had been trying to recover for some time.

It cracked me open to creativity, vitality, intimacy and Love. It helped me connect with my femininity, my sexuality and my body in ways I have difficulty explaining. It’s like a veil has been lifted and now there’s no more separation between those facets of my Self.

Whole. Open. Connected within. I guess that if I had to choose just a few words to translate my experience with this ancient womb blessing, these would be the ones I would choose. That’s how it has made me feel.

And now the time has come to pass it along to others. If you feel called to do this initiation as a womb keeper, I would be honoured to welcome you.

Click HERE to sign up now!

What is it?
It’s a very simple yet profound energy transmission to the Womb – the energy center of creation and creativity – with the intention of releasing the suffering, fear and pain that has been carried from womb to womb, generation after generation.

As these heavy energies are cleared, in a deep and conscious process of releasing old wounds and beliefs, new space is created for joy, sensitivity, creativity, pleasure, vitality and all facets of your feminine energy.
Through this beautiful ritual, you are invited to initiate deep healing within yourself and within your female ancestral line.
This blessing empowers women to reclaim their place in the world as conscious and wise leaders, teachers, and healers.

The rite was born from the female shamans of the Shipibo Nation deep in the Amazon Jungle and it was transmitted to Marcela Lobos, as the 13th Rite of the Munay Ki. She was chosen to share it with the rest of the world. And each woman who receives the Rite is initiated as a Womb Keeper and so is invited to pass it to others.

Click HERE to sign up now!

Who is this event for?

  • This event is for all women, with or without a menstrual cycle, with or without a womb.
  • For women with ginecologic issues or fertility issues.
  • For women feeling stuck in life, that need to ignite their creativity and passions.
  • For women with personal or family trauma around intimacy, sex, birth or self expression.
  • For women who want to empower themselves and feel better in their own skin and body.
  • For women who want to ignite the love for life and allow themselves to feel good about being a woman.

Location: Lisboa, at Little Yoga Space

Date: Saturday, 6th August
Time: 19:00-22:00
Early bird: 45€ until July 20th (use the promo code: EARLYRITE when you sign up)

Click HERE to sign up now!

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Meditation of Roses – 4 week online course 

This is an Ancient technique for self knowledge, energy clearing and protection. 

The meditation of Roses is an energy tool for personal transformation that allows to know, cleanse, protect and strengthen one’s energetic system.

Through this practice you can truly dive in your true self, gaining awareness about your energetic state, patterns, blocks, fragilities, conditioning and programming that are preventing you from evolving and living a better life.

~ If you have already done this training with me you may join this course to recycle and renew your practice. Contact me to know all the details about this special offer ~ 

If you’re sensitive to the energy surrounding you, this is a great set of tools for you.
If you’re wanting to start a spiritual approach to life or deepen your self knowledge, this is a wonderful practice for you.

 It’s an active meditation where we learn to observe our own body and energy (aura and main chakras).

With the rose meditation we open up to clarity and inner knowledge so we can read our energy, cleansing everything that isn’t positive or that doesn’t belong to us.

And so promoting strength and protection against outside energies that influence us in a negative way. This way we can discover who we truly are and avoid common situations of energy drainage, leak or loss.

This is such an useful and powerful technique for personal transformation that it’s usually taught at the first part of most Aura Reading courses. 

Even though it’s simple, it allows a subtle process of harmonizing and unblocking the main chakras, while also improving one’s conditions to do energetic work with others. 

It’s very useful for anyone who wants to invest in their own personal evolution and specially for anyone who works as a therapist or has a draining/challenging work or life.

 It truly boosts your path of self knowledge, allowing access to deeper levels of consciousness, while also elevating the vibration and promoting the ideal conditions to receive and follow intuition and divine guidance.

And helps you create an enegetic state of peace and confidence to tread the path of your life’s mission.

 A very practical tool, this meditation can easily be included in your everyday routine, without asking for any specific religious or spiritual belief.

You will also learn about:

-Energy, Aura, Chakras, Grounding, Intuition and Sensibility. 

-How to use these techniques to clear the the energy of spaces and animals, for example.

This course is completely online (zoom). If you cannot take part of the live classes you will receive a link to watch the recording (it will be available for 4 days after each class) 

Dates: March 17, 24, 31 and April 7 2022

Schedule: 8pm to 10pm (Lisbon, Portugal time)

The participants of this workshop will receive a Manual with information and instructions for the practice, as well as a Certificate of Participation. I’m always available via email for additional support, if needed during the course.

For more information and registrations, please contact me:

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Meditation of Roses – online course 

For self knowledge and also energy clearing and protection. 

The meditation of Roses is a millennial technique for personal transformation that allows to know, cleanse, protect and strengthen one’s energetic system.

Through this practice que can truly dive in our true self, gaining awareness about our energetic state, patterns, blocks, fragilities, conditioning and programming that are preventing us from evolving and living a better life.

~ If you have already done this training withme you may join this course to recycle and renew your practice. Contact me to know all the details about this special offer ~ 

If you’re sensitive to the energy surrounding you, this is a great set of tools for you.
If you’re wanting to start a spiritual approach to life or deepen your self knowledge, this is a wonderful practice for you.

 It’s an active meditation where we learn to observe our own body and energy (aura and main chakras).

With the rose meditation we open up to clarity and inner knowledge so we can read our energy, cleansing everything that isn’t positive or that doesn’t belong to us. And so promoting strength and protection against outside energies that influence us in a negative way. This way we can discover who we truly are and avoid common situations of energy drainage, leak or loss.

This is such an useful and powerful technique for personal transformation that it’s usually taught as the primary basis for most aura reading courses. 

Even thought it’s simple, it allows a subtle process of harmonizing and unblocking the main chakras, while also improving one’s conditions to do energetic work with others. 

It’s very useful for anyone who wants to invest in their own personal evolution and specially for anyone who works as a therapist or has a draining/challenging work or life.

 It truly boosts self knowledge, allowing access to deeper levels of consciousness, while also elevating the vibration and promoting the ideal conditions to receive and follow intuition and divine guidance. Nurturing peace and confidence to tread the path of one’s life mission.

 A very practical tool, this meditation can easily be included in your everyday routine, without asking for any specific religious or spiritual belief.

You will also learn about:

-Energy, Aura, chakras, grounding, intuition and sensibility. 

-how to use these techniques to clear the the energy of spaces and animals, for example.

This course is completely online (zoom). If you cannot take part of the live classes you will receive a link to watch the recording (it will be available for 4 days after each class) 

Dates: October 10, 13, 17 and 20 (Sundays and Wednesdays) 

Schedule: 8pm to 10pm (Lisbon, Portugal time)

The participants of this workshop will receive a manual with information and instructions for the practice, as well as a certificate of participation. 

We will have an online group for support during the 21 days following the workshop. 

For more info or registration please contact:

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7 days of Self Healing

A journey with Reiki to upgrade and empower your self healing practice!

7 days for 7 chakras

Learn how to ignite and deepen your intuition so you can better understand the state of your energy and how to heal each chakra according to your current needs, using Reiki energy and applying several Reiki techniques. 

You’ll also learn how to practice Reiki self-healing to help you deal with some of the biggest emotional and mental challenges of each one of these energy centers.

This online program is only for people who have already been formally attuned to Reiki energy. This is very important because otherwise you’ll be using your own vital energy, which can be quite draining and have several negative effects. 

Every level 1 (or more advanced) Reiki practitioner is welcomed, regardless of School, Tradition, System or Master. 

(If you haven’t been attuned to Reiki and live in Lisboa, Portugal please feel free to contact me.) 

This week-long program will be held in English through live sessions on Zoom. 

Dates: Monday23 Aug – Sunday 29 Aug
Time: 8:00-9:00pm (Lisbon, Portugal time)
​Price: 70E
Registration: ​email or send a message

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(Please scroll down for the English version)

O que são os Chakras e porque são importantes

Chakra significa roda em sânscrito. No corpo físico existem 7 chakras principais, que funcionam de modo interligado.

Estes chakras parecem uns funis ou cones de energia que flui em espiral. Fazem parte do nosso corpo mais subtil, o corpo energético.

Um chakra é um portal que recebe, emite e distribui energia, sendo que cada um tem uma frequência e consciência vibratória específica e corresponde a uma localização fixa no corpo. Interagem com as partes do corpo onde estão localizados fazendo a ligação entre os vários níveis – físico, mental, emocional, espiritual e energético.

Cada um tem funções específicas e trabalham constantemente, gerindo, alimentando e manifestando vários aspectos da vida.

Sempre que algum chakra não está normal e saudável – bloqueado, estagnado, frágil, demasiado aberto, roto, etc – os outros irão tentar compensar e assim todo o sistema será afectado.

Podes trabalhar os teus chakras para conhecer melhor a tua energia e percebe quais estão mais fracos ou bloqueados. Tenho várias meditações guiadas online que te podem ajudar com isso. Clica AQUI para veres tudo.

Toda a gente é sujeita a muitos anos de condicionamento e programação negativos. Isto que pode bloquear, enfraquecer ou prejudicar os teus chakras e a tua energia. Cada pessoa e cada vida são um reflexo do seu ambiente, cultura, família, país, raça, educação, experiência de vida, e muito mais.

A maior parte disso não é escolhido ou perpetuado de modo consciente, mas continua a afectar-nos ao nível mais básico e mantem-se muito presente nos nossos chakras.

Para viver com harmonia, saúde, felicidade e paz, temos que trabalhar os chakras de modo individual e colectivo, para criar um sistema energético equilibrado e forte.

O trabalho energético geral ou específico para cada Chakra pode ser feito de várias maneira muito práticas, incluindo a Terapia Reiki. Se fores praticante de Reiki podes participar no Evento Online “Viagem pelos Chakras com Reiki” para aprenderes mais sobre este tema.

É também no corpo energético que nos focamos no âmbito das sessões de Terapia Reiki e Karuna ou das Leituras de Energia à distância.


What are Chakras and why it’s important

Chakra means wheel in Sanskrit. There are 7 main chakras in the physical human body that work in an interconnected way.

The chakras look like funnels of spiraling energy or vortices. They are the subtlest part of the body, the energetic level. A chakra is a portal that receives, sends and distributes energy.

Each one has a specific frequency and vibratory conscience and corresponds to a specific location in the body.

A chakra interacts with the parts of the body where it is located, creating the connection between all levels of existence- physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and energetic.

Each chakra has a very specific role and they work constantly- managing, nurturing and creating different aspects of life.

Whenever one chakra isn’t healthy and normal (it could be blocked, stagnated, fragile, weak, leaking, etc.) the other chakras will then have to compensate and so the whole system will be affected.

Everyone is subjected to many years of negative conditioning and programing. This can block, weaken or hurt your chakras and your energy. Each person and each life is a reflection of its environment, culture, family, country, race, education, life experience, and so on.

Most of this we don’t choose or perpetuate consciously, but it still affects us at our core and it’s very present in our energy.

In order to live in harmony, health, happiness, abundance and peace, we must work on our chakras individually and collectively, so we can create a strong and balanced energetic system.

This work can be done in very practical ways, both generally and also for each Chakra. This is exactly what I teach in my Chakra Course. (If you would like to receive information about the next edition of this course – online or in Lisboa – please contact me)

The Energetic Body is also what we work on during a Reiki Therapy session or during a Remote Energy Reading.

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(English below)

Terapia Reiki para autoestima:
Se és praticante de Reiki e estás a trabalhar a tua autoestima, podes começar por fazer o teu auto-tratamento da seguinte maneira:

~ Coloca uma mão no centro do peito (chakra cardíaco) e a outra mão na zona do estômago (chakra do plexo solar).

Pratica de olhos fechados, mantendo bem o teu foco em sentir aquilo que te vai surgindo e concentra-te na intenção: que a energia Reiki flua para que eu tenha uma boa autoestima, ou por exemplo, que o Reiki flua para tratar aquilo que me impede de ter uma autoestima saudável.
Fica aqui o tempo que quiseres/precisares.

~ A seguir tenta perguntar a ti mesm@ quais as outras partes do teu corpo que precisam também de receber tratamento.
Deixa que as tuas mãos se movam intuitivamente, escolhendo outras posições, sem pensar muito.

~ No fim, podes complementar o tratamento com a técnica Nentatsu ou com a técnica Seiheki Chiryo Ho na cabeça (chakra da terceira visão).

Pratica com consistência, e todos os dias após o tratamento, escreve aquilo que te vai surgindo durante e após o tratamento: sensações, memórias, pensamentos, imagens, etc
Vai observando com calma aquilo de que te vais lembrando ou o que chama a tua atenção, durante os dias seguintes. Tudo isso é a tua intuição a comunicar contigo. Presta atenção sem julgar ou rotular e não tentes racionalizar demasiado.

E aproveita também para praticar a minha Meditação Guiada para a Auto-Estima.


Reiki therapy for Self Esteem:

I you practice Reiki and you’ve been working on improving your Self Esteem, here’s a suggestion for your self healing practice:

~ Start with one hand on the center of your chest (heart chakra) and the other hand on your stomach (solar plexus chakra).

Close your eyes and allow the energy to flow, maintaining your focus on the intention for the practice: “May Reiki energy flow to heal my selfesteem”, or for example, “may Reiki energy flow to heal what is blocking me from having a healthy self-esteem”.
Stay here for as long as you want/need.

~ And after that ask yourself what other parts of your body might be needing some healing connected to this issue. And allow your hands to intuitively move and choose other positions.

~ At the end, you may complement the treatment with the following techniques for the mind (third eye chakra): Nentatsu or Seiheki Chiryo Ho.

Practice with consistency. After each practice, write down what came up to you during the session.
Observe the feelings and emotions that come to you, and peacefully notice any memories, feelings, thoughts, images that arise. Do this without judging or labeling and avoid overthinking. Pay attention during and after the healing. Those are simply different ways for your intuition to communicate with you.

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Reiki for unhealthy food habits ~ Reiki para hábitos alimentares desequilibrados

(English below)

Quando o nervoso miudinho se transforma em kilos a mais porque tentamos tapar aquele buraco na barriga que não pára de tremer!

Estas situações têm um foco muito grande no chakra do plexo solar e com a nossa capacidade de lidar e “digerir” os problemas que a vida nos traz. Há momentos na vida em que parece que não temos capacidade para lidar com tanta coisa a acontecer ao mesmo tempo!

Isso acontece quando esse chakra está demasiado permeável e ficamos excessivamente sensíveis e andamos com o poder pessoal fragilizado.

Com a Terapia Reiki conseguimos trazer equilíbrio e força para todos os chakras (centros energéticos), dando especial atenção aos chakras que estão directamente ligados aos sintomas fisicos e tratamos os problemas a fundo, para lá das manifestações físicas mais evidentes.

Com uma visão holistica e integrativa de corpo, mente, coração e alma. Para que possas viver a vida o melhor possível, mesmo em anos loucos como 2020!


When constant stress gets transformed into extra pounds because you tried to cover up that hole in your stomach that won’t stop shivering.

These situations have a big emphasis on the solar plexus chakra and diminish our ability to deal with everything that life throws at us. There are moments in life where we feel like we simply cannot handle all of the stuff going on at the same time and we feel totally out of control.

This happens because this chakra has become too susceptible and we end up excessively sensitive with a weakened sense of personal power.

With Reiki Therapy we work on bringing back balance and strength to all the chakras (energetic centers) and working on any issue deeply, beyond the most evident symptoms and physical manifestations.

With a holistic and integrative vision of body, mind, heart and soul. So you can live your best life possible, even during a crazy year like 2020!

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Mergulhos de transformação | Auto-Estima

Mergulhos de transformação! Tema: Auto-estima

✨Estes eventos são sessões práticas e dinâmicas em que incluo várias modalidades e terapias que fui desenvolvendo e aprendendo nos últimos anos: respiração, visualização, meditação, movimento, ritual e muito muito muito mais!

✨Estas sessões online estão abertas para todos os que tenham o desejo de se conhecerem melhor, de se transformarem na melhor versão de si mesmos e viver a melhor vida possível, alinhados com o seu propósito.

✨Cada evento tem um tema específico, uma intenção, para nos focarmos e trabalharmos em profundidade.

✨Não é necessário qualquer experiência prévia, e poderás sempre adaptar cada parte da sessão às tuas capacidades e limitações pessoais.
Estes eventos são para fazer de coração aberto, com alegria e diversão, numa comunidade online de almas irmãs e boas companheiras!

✨Vem mergulhar na tua essência e dá-te a oportunidade de teres um momento especial só para ti, para relaxar, centrar, libertar o que não precisas e nutrir aquilo que te faz bem!

🦋É online, através do Zoom (no computador ou na app grátis para o telemóvel- é super simples!)

✨Próxima data:
Sábado, 29 agosto, 11h/12:30 (hora de Lisboa)

✨Tema: Auto-Estima

Para mais info e/ou inscrições, basta enviar mensagem ou e-mail para

✨Catarina Guimarães
Curando, Guiando, Ensinando, Empoderando

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Mergulhos de transformação | encontros online

Mergulhos de transformação!

Estes eventos são sessões práticas e dinâmicas em que incluo várias modalidades e terapias que fui desenvolvendo e aprendendo nos últimos anos: respiração, visualização, meditação, movimento, ritual e muito muito muito mais!

Estas sessões online estão abertas para todas as mulheres que tenham o desejo de se conhecerem melhor, de se transformarem na melhor versão de si mesmas e viver a melhor vida possível, alinhada com o seu propósito.

Cada evento tem um tema específico, uma intenção, para nos focarmos e trabalharmos em profundidade.

Não é necessário qualquer experiência prévia, e poderás sempre adaptar cada parte da sessão às tuas capacidades e limitações pessoais.
Estes eventos são para fazer de coração aberto, com alegria e diversão, numa comunidade online de almas irmãs e boas companheiras!

Vem mergulhar na tua essência e dá-te a oportunidade de teres um momento especial só para ti, para relaxar, centrar, libertar o que não precisas e nutrir aquilo que te faz bem!

É online, através do Zoom (no computador ou na app grátis para o telemóvel – é super simples!)

✨Próxima data:
Sexta feira, 21 agosto, 19:30/21h (hora de Lisboa)

✨Tema: desperta a tua sensualidade e criatividade!

Para mais info e/ou inscrições, basta enviar e-mail para ou preencher este formulário:

Catarina Guimarães
Curando, Guiando, Ensinando, Empoderando

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Embodiment and Meditation | Online practice


My Dear,

I continue to find new ways to share, teach and practice online with you!

Introducing my new weekly monday sessions – Embodiment and Meditation!

Every Monday at 8.30 PM (Lisbon/London time)* join me for simple and easy practices to help you relax, come back home to yourself, nurture mindfulness and create inner peace.
Stop being stuck in your head and start living connected to your senses and feelings, embracing the present moment!
No previous experience is required. Everyone is welcomed!
You may register directly on Little Yoga Space’s site.
And you may learn a bit more about these sessions and Embodiment by watching this short video I made for you.

I hope to see you there!

* 3:30PM New York, 12:30PM LA, 9:30PM Berlin, Paris and Madrid